BBM Sir: As Interim Agriculture Secretary, You Will Gain Inside Insights Who Should Be Your Trusted Head Of DA. He Would Be “The ACE” To Solve Farmer & Fisher Poverty & Fight Climate Change Based On Administrative & Collaborative Experiences (ACE Again) Here & Abroad!

About my blog-advice to PH Department of Agriculture (DA) to target your dream P20/kg rice via formulating the “Masagana 300” rice program targeting 300 cavans/ha using hybrid varieties, someone suggested the number 299 instead; I checked, and It does look more enticing!

A creative mind doesn’t simply reject a weird idea, and this is what I got (

Angel number 299 is a sign from the angels that represents adaptability and cooperation. … a message encouraging you to be more helpful and embrace your surroundings…

BBM Sir, in any case, let me introduce to you outgoing Secretary of Agriculture William Dar; I have known him since Jan 2000 when as a writer from home (WFH) I was engaged by the India-based International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) of which he was Director General (DG) up to Dec 2014; he is the kind of “ACE” we are looking for.

BBM Sir, for your P20/kg rice for the Filipinos, Mr Dar would have delivered! He is adaptable, cooperative and efficient (another ACE).
(Image source: top, “BBM” dailypedia,; middle, “ACE” 123RF,; bottom, William Dar

Adaptability – Mr Dar graduated from Benguet State University, worked there and rose to Vice President; was founding Director of Bureau of Agricultural Research; Executive Director of PCARRD; Agriculture Secretary of President Joseph “Erap” Estrada, and DG of ICRISAT – if you are very rich in experience, you must be very adaptable to organizational complexities!

Cooperation – Mr Dar has been cultivating the virtues of clustering, consolidation & cooperativism among PH farmers. This is all part of his “The New Thinking For Agriculture,” the Bible for his secretaryship.

Efficiency – Mr Dar has been Founding Director of the BAR, Executive Director of PCARRD, DG of ICRISAT, Secretary of Agriculture 2x – we would have been insane to appoint him 5 times to different offices here and abroad had Mr Dar not been or not learned to be efficient!

Sir BBM, I say William Dar would be The ACE to convert to reality the dream of P20/kg rice! And I say, let it be via the new program of Masagana 299.

The target of 299 cavans/ha is quite attainable. (Curiously: You add the digits 2, 9 & 9, you get “20” – your magic number!)

Further: To bring about Masagana 299, I’m recommending organic agriculture (OA). OA is rich in Adaptability, Conspiration and Efficiency (another ACE):

Adaptability – OA is excellent for any soil, especially “bad” or “bad-behaving” soils –enriching them naturally.

Conspiration – OA brings about the conspiracy of dudes – microorganisms, macroorganisms, weeds, and a mixture of otherwise-to-be-disposed-of fallen leaves and all kinds of rotting matter.

Efficiency – OA gathers any number of disparate dead matters and actively attract living field micro- & macro-organisms to process matters into little mounds of big fertility!

Yes Sir, BBM, organic agriculture is The ACE for Our ACE!@517


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